2018 El Sistema USA Symposium

During the month of January, the first National Symposium for El Sistema USA took place at Duke University in Durham, NC. Focused on the idea of collective impact and racial equity within our communities, the symposium welcomed more than 160 attendees from across the country. Miami Music Project team members traveled to be present at the Symposium including our Marketing Coordinator, Stephanie Hernandez, who served as Co-Chair for this year’s Symposium Committee.

The symposium welcomed more than 160 attendees from across the country! Among the Symposium speakers were our own Executive Director, Anna Pietraszko, and FIU’s Research Associate Professor, Michelle Hospital. Their presentation focused on evaluating and measuring the impact of El Sistema-inspired programs! The Symposium concluded with a creative composition performed by a collect ensemble made up of students from four El Sistema inspired programs. You can watch a video of the performance here: “Now is the Time”.