
Miami Music Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that uses music as an instrument for social transformation, empowering children to acquire values and achieve their full potential, positively affecting their society through the study and performance of music.


Develop values of community, sharing, and teamwork.


Develop creativity, discipline, perseverance, and self-esteem.


Inspire children to reach excellence through their own efforts.


Improve the school performance of children.


Strengthen the unity of families.

The History of Miami Music Project

  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2008

    Sub Label Text
    • Maestro James Judd founds Miami Music Project.
    • John S. and James L. Knight Foundation award $1 million challenge grant.
    • Establishes as a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

Instruments of Ambition

“Music has helped me connect with others and understand life. I sit on the Board of Miami Music Project because I believe in children, education, and the power of music. I know when given an opportunity, children will flourish and live a happy life. That’s all we should want.”
Nicole Henry
Jazz Musician & Philanthropist
Miami Music Project Board Member